Sunday, August 1, 2010

We're back! - Part Deux

Hello again folks. Continuing on with the updates...after the Red Lobster get-together on the 10th, we had a pretty standard next few days, until Tanya went back to work on the 15th and my new schedule began. So now I work at night and come home to watch the Squeaker until Tanya gets home from work, I catch some sleep then, and get up to repeat the process. Luckily most days I get to nap while Claire naps for an hour or two in the late morning/early afternoon.

Al came up on the 15th and stayed until Sunday, which was awesome. We had people over on Friday evening and I grilled up deer sausage and a beer can chicken. The sausage was good as usual, and the chicken turned out really really good (in my opinion anyway). It was fun to have everyone over and it was a good trio-celebration of birthdays for Erika, Al, and Jamie (Jamie is on the 19th).

On the 17th we went up to Fertile, Minnesota, for Scott's wedding and dressed the Claire bear up in her little white baptism dress. Unfortunately, she got her white dress dirty before we got any pictures that day with her, but we had her purple dress with too, so that turned out nicely. The reception was held down in Fargo, at the NDSU Alumni center, which was good because Claire started getting sleepy pretty quick after supper. Since Grandpa was at the wedding also, we were able to get a four-generation Grove picture, which is posted below.

Al went back down south on Sunday and life resumed normally (or as normal as it is) after that for the next few days anyway. The pictures below take us up to the 22nd, so we'll drop more of an update tomorrow or the next day. We'll also post pictures of our visit with Aunt Vi, Uncle Art, and Grandpa in the next post.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend.

This is Claire's contemplative pose when she gets tired

Claire in her purple dress at the reception

Four-generation picture of the Grove side

Mom playing with Claire in the living room

A tired Claire bear, or as Erika says, a tired smooshieface

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