Monday, June 21, 2010

The past 3 weeks...

Hello hello to all. It's been a while since we updated, so I'll keep everyone somewhat up-to-date with a summary here. For those who just want to see pictures, scroll down.

We haven't updated since the beginning of June, and quite a bit has happened. June 2nd was our 3-year wedding anniversary, and Friedo and Robin had us over and cooked us a great supper. It got us out of the house and we didn't have to do any work - win win. Adam is very sweet with Claire also, and we were informed that he was calling all little babies "Baby Claire" a little while ago. If you haven't heard his response when you ask him "Who's Claire?" give it a try.

On the Friday after our anniversary, Erika and Joel brought the corgis over to play with Sylva, and unfortunately she got just a little too wild with running around and got her leg caught on the fence. She ended up needing sutures that had to be in for two weeks. I have a picture of her somewhere, but I figured there are enough pictures with this post already. Mikey was gracious enough to inform me that Sylva wearing the cone-of-shame (e-collar) has now surpassed a wet Klaus (his corgi) as the saddest looking animal he's ever seen. The sutures came out on the 18th, and Sylva has been great since then, running around, happy, eating more, etc.

The weekend after that was Claire's baptism (the 13th). A whole gaggle of Fargo/West Fargo/Moorhead people headed down to Worthington, and I'm pretty sure we doubled the attendance at church down there that day. Ryan and Robin Fried are Claire's godparents, and you'll find a few pictures of that day below. The Saturday before the baptism we had a grill-out get-together at Paul and Cheri's which was a lot of fun, even if it did sprinkle a bit. We made s'mores...but Joel is weird. Apparently a Joel-more is just crunchy chocolate on a graham cracker with no marshmallow. Yep, that's my brother-in-law. And he still doesn't play pinochle.

After we got home, life went by a bit normally until Thursday. West Fargo got hit with a giant downpour of rain that day, and as luck (or lack thereof) would have it, we ended up getting water in our office and bathroom downstairs. At least it was rain water through the wall rather than sewer water through the drains. I called up Mikey and he came over to help me move everything out of the office, much to my delight. That was really a lifesaver for me, so thanks again Mikey. The carpet has gotten dried out, both on top and the bottom after flipping it, but I'm still considering breaking into the drywall to get a look at the wall behind it in the office. Mark across the street has said he'll help me get new sheetrock put up if I do, so I think it might be a good idea. Any suggestions are welcome of course!

This last weekend we went to Hazelton on Saturday for Community Days and a small Beseler Reunion. It was great to see everyone, and even better, everyone got to see Claire finally! I heard just today that Uncle Darmo was taken to the ICU and had surgery, so we're hoping that he recovers soon and feels much better than he was before.

So after a hiatus of no computer or internet, and my mancave sadly overrun with bookshelves, boxes, and a veritable ton of books, things are moving forward a bit. Computer is setup in the mancave now, and we're really liking the location. I even cut through the wall to install new plates and ran all kinds of cabling and such...maybe I'll become somewhat handy after all.

Ok, that's about it for now, work just called and would like me to come in early, so off I go. Take care all, and enjoy the pictures.

On our anniversary at the Fried's

Little Guy giving Claire a kiss...she's not sure about it

Claire in the papasan. She likes to look around.

Claire and her baptism dress

Us, Frieds, and Pastor Gordon

Ryan and Robin - Claire's godparents

With Aunt Harriet and Claire at Hazelton Community Days

Aunt Janice and Claire in Hazelton

Mom helping my niece, Meghan, hold Claire in Hazelton

When we got home around 11 Saturday night, Claire was TIRED...and cuddly

Happy Father's Day!

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